BBL Forever Clear
Forever Clear BBL uses a combination of blue, yellow, and infrared light to eliminate bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote the body’s natural healing process to clear acne.
From teens struggling with hormonal acne to adults experiencing adult-onset acne, Forever Clear BBL is effective for patients of all ages and skin types.
Your practitioner will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to meet your skincare goals. Typically, they will recommend the number of treatments, discuss the timing necessary to achieve your goals, and provide pre and post-treatment instructions. Photos are usually taken before treatment and post-healing.
Treatment Time
15 mins Face
20 mins Face & Neck
Little to no downtime
Treatable Area
Full Face, Neck, Hands, Chest, Arms, Back
Exact price on consultation. Will depend on the area and how many treatmetns needed.
What to Expect
Area to be treated is cleansed, eye shields are appiled as well as a cool gel.
Depending on the area - BBL takes 10-15 minutes for full face, approx 20 mins for full face and neck and additional time for any other areas.
Expect to feel heat in the area for a few hours post treatment, you will be provided with a post treatment care to manage any sensitivity. You can return to wearing mineral makeup the next day with little to no downtime.
BBL technology addresses imperfections on the surface of the skin, as well as deep-rooted pigmentation issues.
During a Forever Clear BBL treatment, patients feel minimal to no discomfort as the provider gently glides the BBL® HERO™ handpiece across the skin. This process involves 3 total passes of the device over the treatment area.
The first pass uses blue light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria located deep within the skin’s pores.
The second pass uses yellow light to reduce inflammation and acne-associated redness while preventing new breakouts.
To maximize patients’ results, the skin receives a third pass using infra-red light in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process, reduce the appearance of existing scars, and enhance the benefits of the first two steps.
A sapphire at the tip of the BBL HERO applicator keeps the skin cool and comfortable throughout the treatment. Afterward, most patients will continue to feel warm for 30 to 60 minutes.
As everyone is different and severity of acne varies greatly, you will need a consultation to discuss. Everything from medication to homecare will need to be considered.
In general it would be 6 - 8 treatments. We may need to see you every week or even twice a week initally which will reduce as improvments are experienced.
It also may be the case you may need a combination of treatment - generally starting with homecare combined with peels and managment of redness and scaring with BBL… again all this will be assessed and discused during consultation.
This would be discussed during consultation - as each case has to be treated accordingly.
BBL skin treatment has revolutionised skincare, delivering transformative results for individuals seeking to rejuvenate their complexion.
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